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MAN B&W L21/31 Fuel Injection Pump 51401-09
MAN B&W L21/31 Roller guide, complete incl. item 026, 038, 051, 063, 923 51401-09-014
MAN B&W L21/31 Roller 51401-09-026
MAN B&W L21/31 Roller pin 51401-09-038
MAN B&W L21/31 Roller guide 51401-09-051
MAN B&W L21/31 Bolt 51401-09-063
MAN B&W L21/31 Pump element, complete incl. item 099, 109 51401-09-087
MAN B&W L21/31 Barrel 51401-09-099
MAN B&W L21/31 Plunger 51401-09-109
MAN B&W L21/31 O-ring 51401-09-110
MAN B&W L21/31 O-ring 51401-09-158
MAN B&W L21/31 Shim 51401-09-183
MAN B&W L21/31 Piston spring plate 51401-09-205
MAN B&W L21/31 Pump casing 51401-09-229
MAN B&W L21/31 Connecting socket complete incl. item 301, 313, 577, 589, 590 51401-09-230
MAN B&W L21/31 Buffer bolt 51401-09-242
MAN B&W L21/31 Control rack 51401-09-254
MAN B&W L21/31 Control sleeve 51401-09-266
MAN B&W L21/31 Spring plate 51401-09-278
MAN B&W L21/31 Pump spring 51401-09-291
MAN B&W L21/31 Blocking screw 51401-09-325
MAN B&W L21/31 Arresting bolt 51401-09-337
MAN B&W L21/31 Bolt 51401-09-349
MAN B&W L21/31 Pointer 51401-09-362
MAN B&W L21/31 Stop plate 51401-09-374
MAN B&W L21/31 Sealing 51401-09-386
MAN B&W L21/31 Cylindrical screw 51401-09-398
MAN B&W L21/31 Cylindrical screw 51401-09-421
MAN B&W L21/31 Countersunk screw 51401-09-433
MAN B&W L21/31 O-ring 51401-09-457
MAN B&W L21/31 O-ring 51401-09-469
MAN B&W L21/31 Seal ring 51401-09-482
MAN B&W L21/31 Lock washer 51401-09-494
MAN B&W L21/31 Shim, set of 4 pcs 51401-09-516
MAN B&W L21/31 Fuel Injection Pump,complete 51401-09-565
MAN B&W L21/31 Cylindrical pin 51401-09-577
MAN B&W L21/31 Screw 51401-09-600
MAN B&W L21/31 O-ring 51401-09-685
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MAN B&W L21/31 O-ring 51401-09-707
MAN B&W L21/31 Circlip 51401-09-756
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MAN B&W L21/31 Lock ring 51401-09-781
MAN B&W L21/31 Loctite 51401-09-827
MAN B&W L21/31 Disc 51401-09-864
MAN B&W L21/31 Stop piston 51401-09-876
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’s one man as ought to be there,” said Adam bitterly. Presently he drew himself up and looked fixedly out of the window, apparently turning over some new idea in his mind.“Mr. Massey,” he said at last
ur minutes later, Zidane’s men almost break the deadlock, but Hart comes supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the rescue again. The English international blocks Pepe’s point blank shot with his chest. A superb performance from Hart, and City manage supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE hold on for a 0-0 draw. The second leg will be played at Real’s Bernabeu stadium on May 4th.The International Monetary Fund’s Middle East direc supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r, Masood Ahmed has welcomed Saudi Arabia’s economic reform plan. He desCRIbed it as an ambitious, far-reaching effort.Now they have a national transformation plan, which is an ambitious, far-reaching effort, although the details still have supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE come out. What is clear is that it envisages not just an effort supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE try and balance the fiscal outlook for Saudi Arabia over the next five years by raising revenues and cutting back spending, but it also looks at how supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE transform the economy away from being so dependent on oil. Those are welcome objectives and that is exactly the kind of transformation that an economy like Saudi Arabia needs, he said.Hundreds of Japanese citizens have filed a lawsuit against the government over a controversial security legislation. They say the newly-passed security law goes against the constitution, and ask the court supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p exercising Japan’s collective self-defense rights.The 550 plaintiffs, supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE gether with more than 600 at supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rneys, started preparation for the class action since September. Similar lawsuits are being planned in other major cities like Osaka, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.The controversial new security policy gives the government more power supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE utilize military forces overseas, which was previously forbidden under agreements reached after World War Two.Robots are not only for fun and games, it’s also a very serious industry in China. On April 6, the Ministry of Industry, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other ministries jointly issued a development plan for the coming 5 years.The plan lays out the industry’s 5 tasks. Key breakthrough products, key components, significant improvement of robot reliability, market share and leading enterprises’ competitiveness.The country expects that by 2020, the number of industrial robots sold will reach one hundred and fifty thousand, with eight hundred thousand robots in use, and by 2025, the number of industrial robots sold will reach two hundred and six thousand, with one-point-eight million robots in use.Another goal is for the overall industrial robot output value supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE break a hundred billion yuan at the end of 2020.France has edged out Japan and Germany supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE win a 40-billion submarine deal with Australia. It’s the result of a 15-month bidding process, and Australia’s largest-ever defence contract.France’s state-owned naval contrac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r DCNS Group will build a fleet of 12 submarines for the Australian Navy. The 40-billion dollar contract is one of the world’s most lucrative defence contracts.France’s vic supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry comes as a blow supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Japan, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushes supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE develop defence export as part of a more muscular security agenda. Japan had proposed a version of its 4-thousand- supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE n Soryu-class submarine.It had been a frontrunner in the bidding contest, but later slipped behind, partly due supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE its inexperience in global defense deals. Defence Minister Gen Nakatani called Australia’s decision deeply regrettable.The shortfin Barracuda submarines will be built in the manufacturing hub of Adelaide. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said they will be a vital part of the country’s naval capacity until 2060 and beyond.Australia is ramping up defence spending, seeking supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE protect its strategic and trade interests in Asia-Pacific.As China’s athletes are busy preparing for the games, one man who believes Rio will provide the platform for Chinese athletes supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE succeed is two-time Olympic gold medalist Chen Yibing. The retired gymnast will be in Brazil as a commenta supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r and gave an insight in supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE what it’s like preparing for the pinnacle of an athletes career.Two-time Olympic gold medalist looks back at careerHis performance 8 years ago was desCRIbed as perfect and textbook-worthy by commenta supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs for his level of precision at such a high level of competition.In 2012 Chen, as the captain of his countries men’s gymnastic team ,would lead them supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE a successful defence of their Olympic title in the Men’s artistic all-around event. He decided supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE call it a day after that and looks upon his time at the global show piece in a mixed way.He said, first it is a funny experience, because there are athletes from all over the world with different kinds of skin supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE nes living supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE gether inside the Olympic village, but communication isn’t affected by the language barrier.It is also very challenging because for those of us who were participating in the Olympics, the pressure, the sense of achievement and the atmosphere during the competition is very stressful.It is also a proud experience, especially when you can stand on supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p of the podium, that was the proudest moment for me and for those who supported me.As the time draws nearer, the anticipation for the games gets higher, but for this former athlete, it was all about concentration and discipline at this stage.Usually, during the 100-day countdown we were busy with closed training, which is the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ughest training phase for athletes. Specta supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs are excited for the start, but the athletes feel more pressure. As clock counts down, they have supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE polish their techniques and deal with injury problems before the Olympics, said Chen.During Chen’s days competing as a gymnast, the athlete would travel all around the world supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE take part in events, and for him, Rio is a city that holds special memories.Chen said, I was in Brazil in 2005 and I think it has become a lucky place for me because the first time I won a World Cup title was in there. As for the upcoming Olympics, I think China is among the world’s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p groups, no matter what medals supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE tal we get. So in my opinion, as long as we can perform at a normal level, I believe we can get a really good result.Although he’s retired, Chen will be at the summer’s Olympics as a commenta supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r for gymnastics, taking a back seat and hoping his legacy will continue.The Olympic supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rchbearers in Greece will hand over the Olympic flame supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Brazil Wednesday. The supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rch is due supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE arrive in Brazil on May 3rd. Wednesday marks the 100 days until the games.After the lighting of the flame in ancient Olympia and a six-day relay across Greece, the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rch will make a s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p in Switzerland before starting its journey across Brazil – through 26 states – before reaching its final destination: Rio’s Maracana stadium.Brazil’s most iconic city has completed around 98% of the venues for the 2016 Summer Olympics, but workers are still racing supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE finish a subway expansion and rapid bus lanes supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE handle the surge.The last stretch is always the most difficult one. And, of course, there are many challenges? but I think we have shown – the organizing committee has shown in the last year – that great progress has been made, said Thomas Bach, president of International Olympic Committee.Progress that hasn’t been optimal in Guanabara Bay-the Olympic sailing venue. It’s still contaminated with sewage and debris, but officials say at least 60 percent of the bay is now clean.And this month, a large wave collapsed a stretch of Rio’s seaside bike path, killing at least two people.When the Olympic flame arrives in the capital Brasilia on May 3rd, the blood sport called Brazilian politics could prove a distraction.President, Dilma Rousseff, is embroiled in an impeachment process and could be out office when the games begin in August.Despite Brazil’s turmoil, polls show that 70 percent of Rio’s residents support the Olympics. Some say they hope the games will bring a respite from the country’s political tensions.We need supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p with this low mood, thinking that Rio is not okay because of politics. Politics are one thing, the Olympics are another thing, said one local people.I think that Rio’s didn’t get in supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the mood because of the political CRIsis but I think it will, as it did during the World Cup, that was a big party, almost a carnival, another local people said.Hundreds of athletes have already been here-competing in a final bid supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE qualify for the games while giving the venues a trial run.Based on this preview of what’s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE come, Brazilian officials say they’re confident that South America’s first Olympic games will burn as brightly as the flame that will open the games on August 5th.Tens of thousands of protesters have taken over central Baghdad supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE demand a new parliamentary vote, as divisions in government hurt economic growth.Demonstra supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs marched from the Baghdad’s city center supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE government headquarters in the capital’s heavily-fortified Green Zone. Most demonstra supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs say they support the powerful Shia Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who has pressured the government supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE carry out reforms.Iraq’s government has made little progress against ISIL militants andhas failed supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE pull the country out of a major economic CRIsis. Protests have erupted in cities across the country in recent weeks.In shifting its security policy, Japan has also eased the nation’s ban on arms exports — which allowed its bidding supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE build submarines for Australia’s Royal Navy. But Australia’s Prime Minister has announced Canberra wants supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE work with France instead.12 regionally superior submarines, will be built here at Osborne in South Australia. They will be designed in partnership with DCNS, the French naval ship building company.I want supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE thank TKMS and the government of Japan for their proposals, which were of a very high quality. However, the French offer represented the capabilities best able supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE meet Australia’s unique needs, said Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.The submarine deal is expected supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE be worth more than US$500 billion. Analysts cast Japan as a frontrunner supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE win the bid. But Japan’s inexperience in global defense deals and an initial reluctance supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE build in Australia kept it from securing the deal.Australia’s decision is a blow for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who promised his new security agenda would increase Japanese exports. supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE kyo established a specialized agency supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE facilitate the overseas sale and acquisition of weapons last year.A restaurant in Singapore has employed the use of drones supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE solve a labor shortage.A restaurant in Singapore has employed the use of drones supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE solve a labor shortage.Controlled by an infra-red sensory system, which has been installed in the restaurant, they carry food and beverages on established routes through the restaurant. But they have not gained the full trust of the managers just yet, and only deliver their load supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE a service areabefore it is transferred supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the diners by human waiters.It is thought the novel idea might be the start of a new trend in the city-state.The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea announced on Wednesday that the ruling Workers’ Party will hold its 7th Congress on May 6 in Pyongyang. The congress will be the first major conference in 36 years, and the first under the current DPRK supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p leader Kim Jong Un. The country’s official media reports that about 3,000 people are expected supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE attend the congress, but did not mention how long the conference will last.Reports say participants will discuss a broad range of issues, such as major political and economic policies and high-level personnel appointments.What do we know about the main venues being used for the summer Olympics? The famous Maracana will be acting as the city’s Olympic stadium.Having opened in 1950 an estimated 200,000 people crammed in supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE watch Brazil lose 2-1 supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Uruguay in the world cup final. Still the highest attendance at a football match supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE this date.Since then it has gone through a series of renovations most notably in 1992 when part of one of the upper stands collapsed killing 50 people.Because of this the stadiums capacity was reduced supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE 87,000 with the biggest addition being a new roof which can cover 95% of the entire stadium.All the seat were re-painted yellow and blue in the build up supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the 2014 world cup supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE represent Brazil’s national colours, however the Samba boys didn’t play a single game of the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE urnament there.The Maracana will be host supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE all the major track and field events and of course the football gold medal match which is still something that has eluded the men’s national team.Other notable spots include, the Sambadrome which will be home supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the archery events and also a section of the Marathon, but aside from the Olympics it’s main purpose is the Rio carnival where year Samba dancers from around the world show off their moves in a celebration of Brazilian culture and the strip is expected supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE be packed for the summer with 18,000 seats being put in specially for the games.Making a return supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the Olympics for the first time since 1904 is Golf after it’s rapid growth caught the eye of the IOC.The Reserva De Marapendi course will play host supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE some of the games finest, including Justin Rose and Jordan Speith who have both secured a place on the U.S. team.The organising committee have stated that after the games the course will become a public facility in a bid supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE increase the sports popularity in what they say will be one of the biggest sporting legacies for sport development in the country.All of this gets underway after August 5th when the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rch at the Maracana will be lit after flying in from the handover ceremony at the marble Panathinaic stadium in Greece.The final countdown supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Rio 2016 has commenced. The opening ceremony will take place on August 5th in the famous Maracana stadium supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE kick off the start of the global showpiece that will include 28 different events with 306 medals up for grabs.It was 7 years ago that then IOC President, Count Jacques Rogge, announced Rio as the winning bid supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE host this year’s summer games with the organisation’s delagates voting in favour of the Brazilian city over Madrid, 66 supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE 32. Chicago and supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE kyo also had hopes of hosting but were eliminated after the first round of the selection process.Many other Brazilian cities supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE help with hosting dutiesIt’s been a long process supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE get everything finalised for the start of the first ever summer games on the South American continent. Most of the venues will be located in the Barra da Tijuca area of the city which will also house the athletes at the Olympic village.The open water sports will take place on the famous Copacabana Beach with other cities, such as Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador Manaus and the capital Brasilia taking up hosting duties, most notably with football.Rugby Sevens supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE make debut at Summer GamesThese games will also feature golf for the first time in 112 years after the IOC decided it’s growing popularity warrants a place. The popular Rugby sevens has also been included for the first time.All of this was decided back in 2009 when the committee analysed which sports should be added or taken away. Baseball and squash were unsuccessful in being included. Though rugby has not been featured in any form since the 1924 Summer Olympics, the IOC chose supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE introduce the seven-a-side version of the sport for these Games for both men and women.Kosovo and South Sudan supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE participate for first timeMore than 10,000 athletes will decend upon Rio from 206 different nations which include Kosovo and South Sudan for the first time. The European migrant CRIsis has led supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the creation of a special team of refugee athletes which will compete under the Olympic flag and welcomes those from war supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rn countries seeking asylum.With the Chinese delegation gearing up for the start of the games in less than four months, all of the competing athletes who have won medals in previous Olympics will be looking for further success in Rio.The Chinese national shooting team have been preparing in Rio for the up coming Olympics.Among them is Veteran shooter Du Li who will lead the women’s team in the 10-meter air riffle event which will open the sporting showcase for a 7th straight time. Du grabbed gold in Athens in 2004 while her team mate Yi Siling was vic supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rious in London 4 years ago.Time flies, and then Olympics come again. My career is nearing it’s end which has made me cherish the opportunities more. I’m rather looking forward supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE having the chance supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE grab the opening gold and I will try supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE handle the pressure, she said.On the men’s side, Zhu Qinan will switch his focus supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the 50-meter rifle three positions. Having won the 10-meter event in 2004 he’s spending time adapting his game supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the environment in Brazil. At the most recent test event in Rio, Zhu came third in the three positions.He said, Hot, very hot. My reaction was slowed reaction under the hear. The shooting direction is different from that in china and will affect our sense of direction. The light that reflects on the target is also very strong.31-year-old diver enters Rio in search of 5th gold medalMeanwhile, the Chinese divers are hoping supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE maintain their dominance when they supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE uch down in Brazil.For Wu Minxia, this will be her 4th straight games. The veteran diver will pair with Shi Tingmao in the synchronised three-meter springboard with the 31-year-old hoping supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE clinch her 5th medal after claiming 4 golds in her career so far.She said, I will cherish the final period of preparation. I hope I can enjoy the process and stay away from injuries. I will go step by step and be healthy. After that, I hope I can realize my dream of standing on the podium at the Rio Olympics.Qin Kai will also compete which could be the last time at what could be his last Olympics. In a decorated career, Qin set a world record by winning nine straight titles on the world stage supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE go with two gold medals, first in Beijing and then in London and although in his twilight years as a diver, he is determined for more success.This competitions is now even more difficult than it looks. I know how much efforts it would take supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE stay. But I’m a stubborn guy who will fight supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the last second. I have an Olympic dream, and I can’t leave it there, said Qin.Only time will tell if these athletes can add supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE their medal haul but at this stage at their careers, it’s not what they gain but what they leave behind.Saudi Arabia has unveiled plans supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE end what it calls its ‘addiction’ supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE oil, and transform the country in supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE a global investment power.Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said under the plan — dubbed Saudi Vision 2030 — the kingdom will make itself capable of living without oil within the next four years – a very ambitious goal for a country that exports more energy than any other.At the centre of the plan, the restructuring of its Public Investment Fund, which the deputy crown prince said would become a hub for Saudi investment abroad.Two extremely rare Bengal white tiger cubs have been born at the wildlife center of the Czech Republic’s Liberec Zoo, and are proving popular with visi supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs.These tiger cubs weigh 6 kilos 13 pounds, and were born two months ago.White tigers are the result of both parents having a recessive gene for white coloration.Two extremely rare Bengal white tiger cubs have been born at the wildlife center of the Czech Republic’s Liberec Zoo, and are proving popular with visi supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs.White tigers are rare as they stand out in the jungle, hindering efforts supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE catch prey.It is the second litter at the zoo in just four years.White tigers are rare as they stand out in the jungle, hindering efforts supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE catch prey.These tiger cubs weigh 6 kilos 13 pounds, and were born two months ago.These tiger cubs weigh 6 kilos 13 pounds, and were born two months ago.In a gesture of uNPRecedented cultural exchange between the U.K. and Russia, Shakespeare’s portrait has come supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery, along with those of Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Dickens, Lord Nelson, and James Cook. They are on loan from Britain’s National Portrait Gallery, marking the 160th anniversary year of both institutions.On display in Moscow, one of the National Portrait Gallery’s most prized assets – a portrait believed supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE depict William Shakespeare.On display in Moscow, one of the National Portrait Gallery’s most prized assets – a portrait believed supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE depict William Shakespeare.It’s known as the ‘Chandos Portrait’ after a previous owner – the Duke of Chandos. And it was the first portrait supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE be acquired by the National Portrait Gallery, when it was founded in 1856. It’s the star attraction in ‘Elizabeth supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Vic supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ria: British Portraits from the Collection of the National Portrait Gallery’.In return, London’s National Portrait Gallery is staging ‘Russia and the Arts: The Age of supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ls supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE y and Tchaikovsky’ with portraits received from the Tretyakov.The NPG show has already seen twice as many visi supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs as the organisers expected.The exhibition in London has been a tremendous success; we are delighted with the response, both CRItical and popular. So the reviews have been very enthusiastic – our most important writers on arts exhibitions have all visited and given us very lauda supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry praise for it. Just as important is the fact that the public love it, said Rosalind Blakesley, cura supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r of NPG show.Despite chilly relations between Moscow and the West and an economic CRIsis in Russia, the two museums were determined supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE cooperate.Everybody feels they are having a very special mission – supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE continue this cultural exchange, supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE go on with these contacts, with cooperation, with exchange not only of loans but of thinking, of thoughts, of experience, said Zelfira Tregulova, direc supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r of Moscow Tretyakov Gallery.And we understand that if not we, maybe the contacts could really break, and then it will take a while supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE re-establish them.The London exhibition runs until late June, and the Moscow counterpart until late July.Peking-Opera artist Mei Baojiu, like his legendary father Mei Lanfang, made a career out of singing female roles. His death on Monday is a great loss supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the opera world both in China and worldwide.BEIJING, April 25, 2016 ( — File pho supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE taken on Nov. 15, 2005 shows Mei Baojiu performing at the closing ceremony of the 2nd Chinese Opera Festival in Paris, France. Mei Baojiu, a famous Peking opera performer, died at the age of 82 on Monday in Beijing. He was the ninth child and successor of Mei Lanfang, one of the most respected Chinese artists of the 20th century and crea supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r of the Mei School style of Peking opera. ( Lidong)Every time people mentioned Mei Baojiu, the name of his father would pop up – Mei Lanfang.He was one of the most famous Peking-Opera artists in modern Chinese his supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry, exclusively known for his female roles in general and his Qingyi roles in particular, in which the female is typically young or middle-aged and very elegant.His smooth and poised style came supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE be known as the Mei School.Born in 1934, Mei Baojiu was the ninth child of Mei Lanfang. Lanfang, noting his youngest son’s similarity in looks, expression, and movement, chose him as his successor.Baojiu made his first stage appearance on his tenth birthday, and Baojiu first shared the stage with his father at 18.Kids are never afraid of being on stage. I sang when I saw the audience applauded for me. The performance usually went smoothly, he said.My parents didn’t care about how I sang but about how I acted. If the ac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r can’t feel anything but just recites the line, then he’s considered hard supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE teach. Baojiu is regarded as a great contribu supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Peking Opera across China.Following in his father’s footsteps, he was unique among his peers for playing female roles. Among his most famous operas were Farewell My Concubine, The Drunken Beauty, and Lady General Mu Takes Command.However, Mei’s artistic life was stalled for 14 years during China’s so-called ‘Cultural Revolution’, which finally ended in 1976.I think that year was crucial supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE decide whether I could get on stage again, whether I could still be quick at movement, and whether I still had those basic skills, he said.But after a year’s adjustment, when in his 40s, Mei made it back on supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the stage.I’d been practicing every day throughout the past 14 years, so it wasn’t hard supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE pick it up. Again, I presented my father’s operas supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the world as he did, without any changes. I think my life is worthwhile, he said.Throughout his life, Mei has made significant contributions supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE cultural exchange and promoting Peking-Opera traditions. Some of the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p level performers still active on stage were his students.BEIJING, April 25, 2016 ( — File pho supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE taken in 1994 shows Mei Baojiu performing in a lantern festival gala of CCTV in Beijing, capital of China. Mei Baojiu, a famous Peking opera performer, died at the age of 82 on Monday in Beijing. He was the ninth child and successor of Mei Lanfang, one of the most respected Chinese artists of the 20th century and crea supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r of the Mei School style of Peking opera. ( companies led the parade as the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p 100 Hong Kong-listed companies of 2015 were announced Tuesday night. The rankings are an important reference supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ol supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE help inves supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs spot the value of Hong Kong s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE cks. The mainland property sec supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r performed well in 2015 despite significant volatility while the Hong Kong market still faces big challenges. Experts say the situation may improve this year.2015 was a turbulent year for the Hong Kong s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ck market, but these companies s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE od the test. Among the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p 100 Hong Kong listed companies, the ones based in mainland China constitute a high proportion. The property sec supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r performed particularly well while China state-owned commercial banks were overshadowed after supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE pping the list in 2014.The organizers say the supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p-ranking companies outperformed the Hang Seng Index, which fell 7.2 percent in 2015. Many analysts believe the market can rebound this year.The Shenzhen-Hong Kong s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ck connect will be launched this year. That follows a similar connect between Shanghai and Hong Kong s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ck in 2014. The launch is expected supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE bring energy supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the market.Experts say such fac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs as the likely inclusion of A-shares in supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE the MSCI, and debt- supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE -equity swaps may make certain sec supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs outperform at different times. Inves supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs can constantly switch bets among different s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE cks.Market participants have mixed reactions supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE Hong Kong s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE cks this year. Optimists believe there are positive signs of recovery, while pessimists say uncertainties still linger. Analysts say inves supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs should take a more neutral view supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE reduce their portfolio volatility.China will make key breakthroughs in reforming important sec supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs across China’s northeastern region by 2020. That’s the word from China’s State Council. The council also said on Tuesday that on supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p of the breakthroughs, the government will use 10 more years supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE realize a comprehensive revitalization of the northeastern region.The fifth Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is underway in Beijing.Chinese President Xi Jinping has addressed the meeting. He reviewed the development of Asian security situation and challenges that lay ahead. He also called for all Asian countries supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE work supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE gether supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE build a win-win way that will benefit all parties.Xi said that Asian countries have different cultures, and all parties should communicate more supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE deepen understanding. He also stressed supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE solve hotly-debated regional issues through dialogue. Apart from security issues, economic, trade and investment supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE pics will also be on the agenda.China hosted the fourth CICA summit in Shanghai in 2014 and has been holding the CICA presidency since then.BEIJING, April 28, 2016 ( — Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses the opening ceremony of the fifth foreign ministers’ meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Beijing, capital of China, April 28, 2016. ( Xinglei)Among supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE day’s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p 500 private enterprises in the Chinese mainland, only a tiny proportion is based in the Northeast… This is a reflection of the relatively weak economic vitality in the region. So how can the private sec supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r help revitalize the once-industrious heartland?From the looks of the rusty equipment and shabby production plants, it’s hard supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE guess that the state-owned zinc fac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry in Huludao of Liaoning province was once the largest of its kind in Asia; 2 years ago it was on the verge of bankruptcy.When we first supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ok a stake in the zinc fac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry, we were shocked supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE see the actual state of the fac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry: you couldn’t find a single window which wasn’t broken, said Yu Hong, Chairman of Huludao Hongyue Group.After the acquisition, Yu Hong’s company holds the largest stake in the Zinc fac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry. For the first time, the future of the state-owned enterprise and its some 7,000 employees were in the hands of a private enterprise.The first thing we did was supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE improve operational efficiency: I called a meeting in the purchasing department and urged them supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE promote accountability and transparency in procurement. We have no supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE lerance for corruption and lackadaisical attitude, Yu said.Efforts supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE remove the state from day- supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE -day control, introduce market economy and strengthen the role of shareholders are making progress.I strongly suggest supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE promote mixed ownership and encourage private capital’s participation in SOE reform, especially in a region like the Northeast where the legacy of a planned economy is strong. Because the private sec supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE r’s development is in line with market rules, Yu said.The transformation of the Zinc fac supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE ry tells us that by embracing private capital’s participation in SOEs, it can greatly allow for transfer of technology and managerial expertise, hence improve the overall market competitiveness.If there is one thing ancient Rome did well, it was its parades. So why not organize another one supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE celebrate the city birthday? That is just what citizens of the Eternal City did Sunday.Thrilled crowds looked on as more than 2,000 gladia supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs, dancers, soldiers, sena supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rs, and priestesses marched through cobbled streets and past ancient monuments, in a spectacle organized by the Roman His supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE rical Group.The procession started at the Circus Maximus after a fire-lighting ceremony by the vestals – the priestesses of Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth. Natale di Roma,as the locals call it, stages re-enactments of the city as it was in 753 BC, and is an annual event.Parade marks Rome’s birthday – Natale di RomaTesla is targeting China’s SUV market by launching its Model X here. CCTV’s Guan Xin caught up with Jon McNeill, Tesla’s President of Global Sales and Service. He says Tesla plans supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE expand production capacity, and may set up a plant in China.CCTV’s Guan Xin caught up with Jon McNeill, Tesla’s President of Global Sales and Service.Mei Baojiu was not just a great artist; he was also an advocate. A veteran of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference – which he attended five times – he advanced proposals supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE help youngsters absorb traditional Chinese culture.Peking-Opera legend was both an advocate and artistAt the most recent session in 2016, he argued calligraphy should be on the curriculum for elementary-school kids.The late maestro was keen supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE strengthen education in traditional culture among kids.It’s about how youngsters can absorb our traditional culture. Every year, it’s the focus of my proposals at the CPPCC. The reason is that enlightenment received in childhood plays a key role in one’s life, he said.And China’s core values – such as humanity, justice, etiquette, and wisdom – are embodied in traditional opera.Mei practised what he preached, and even in his advanced years, appeared on TV shows supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE teach the artform supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE young people.The late artist also called for reviving calligraphy on the curriculum, so that elementary-school students get supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE practise it in class.And he believed that young people should read more ancient classics like those written by Confucius, Mencius, and poems from the Tang and Song dynasties.Mei’s funeral will be held on May the 3rd at Beijing’s Babaoshan funeral center in the west of the city.China’s supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE p economic planner — the National Development and Reform Commission — announced a hike in oil prices on Tuesday. The increase that takes effect Wednesday is the first after six rounds of suspending this year.The NDRC says gasoline prices will increase 165 yuan per supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE n, while diesel moves supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE 160 yuan per supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE n. Crude prices have held at 44 supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE 45 U.S. dollars per barrel for the past 10 working days, triggering the hike in China. Some analysts say that China’s better
in legitimate police operations, but a significant number also by unidentified assailants.Everyday, bodies are found murdered in cold-blood, often accompanied by a sign t
re drought has left water in the reservoirs at a CRItical level.In late April the government introduced rolling blackouts throughout much of the country, blaming the El Nino weather pattern for produc
he train came in through the Iron Curtain from Bulgaria. Bond looked out at the crowds and waited for the knock on the door that would be Kerim’s man. Tatiana sat huddled in her sable coat beside the
rs to cross the face of the sun.Oklahoma City would be in need of a big effort from Kevin Durant or risk falling behind three-games-to-one to the San Antonio Spurs, with a possible close-out game in T
rruption forum.Less than ten Chinese enterprises have participated in past B supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE summits. But this year, 156 Chine
has already become a major landmark in the pearl river delta region.The Shanghai building where the Communist Party of supply MAN 21/31 SPARE PARTS FOR MARINE (CPC) held its first national congress has undergone a major refurbishment an
you unpleasant truths, but that is a proof of my friendship. I advise you, therefore, to lay eggs, and learn to purr as quickly as possible.”   “I believe I must go out into the world again,” said the duckling.  “Yes, do,” said the hen. So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because
at once. Here! now quickly to the vineyard, and tell your master some gentlemen are here who wish to speak to him. Go as fast as you can.’ And she opened the door and let the dog out.’You can really trust the dog to call your husband?’ asked the robbers.’Dear me, yes! He understands everything, and will always carry any message I give him.’By-and-bye the shoemaker came in and said, ‘Good morning,